Welcome to What’s Your Force of Nature? My name is Kate Nankivell, and I am a Force of Nature.
My favourite thing in the world is talking with people about what they love to do and encouraging them to do more of it. That’s my Force of Nature. Your Force of Nature is your passion, genius, superpower, your thing in life, or what you most love to do. I am a natural cheerleader and creating this podcast represents a giant leap into living my Force of Nature life.
I discovered my Force of Nature after many years of not knowing and not doing what I loved, feeling frustrated, bored, depressed, and scared of making mistakes, and wasting time in undirected trial and error. I saw others living their Force of Nature lives and wished I could discover my Force of Nature so that I could live my life doing what I love with a passion.
Want to put some fire under your Force of Nature? My dream is that this podcast will inspire you and save you precious time. Every week I bring you an interview with an ordinary person making their life extraordinary by living their Force of Nature, to help you on your journey to discover, nurture, and live your own Force of Nature, and in doing so help change the world.
Plus, if you are searching for what you love to do, there will be interviews with people who have the tools and methodologies to help you to discover your own Force of Nature.
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